My name is Mac Starling. On a professional level you can call me Starling. On a personal or friend level you can call me Mac. I am an artist and writer, first and foremost. I specialize in acrylic painting, gouache, and monotype screenprinting. I love love. And I also love darkfiction.
Many of my works contain heavy and triggering topics. Take precautions when engaging with my creations. Not every character is a good person. This is human. Not everything that happens is a good thing. This is common sense. My stories focus on the psychology behind characters, their motivations, their fantasies, and everything in-between.

Acrylic: Golden Acrylics
Gouache: Windsor and Newton Designers, Holbein Artists’, Utrecht Artists’,
Watercolor: Koi Field Sketch Box, Set of 24
Sketchbook: Gelly Roll Pens, Sticky Notes, Crayola Crayons, Pencils
Digital: Wacom Intuos Draw CTL490 Tablet, Paint Tool Sai 2, MS Paint
What are your inspirations?
I’ve created original stories and characters my entire life. I’ve always had a fascination in the dark and taboo. As a child, my inspiration came from crime shows and horror features. My greatest current inspiration is founded in human psychology and mental conditions. I explore themes of trauma and love.